Distant Dates is being developed as a television show to help single people with intellectual disabilities such as autism and psychosis find love and romance without any tutorial or recovery plans.

Everybody will thank you for mucking your life up.  

Thoughts are neither in the inside of your mind nor the outer side. They are in a unique space of their own.

You’re not gonna lose much if you are lonesome, because there is always government and medical authorities waiting to dissect you.

Huge colossal stupidity is hard to be ignored without documentary evidence one is entitled to.

It is normal people that have toxic composure, not psychotics or drug addicts. 

The mind, control it from anywhere, just not from the brain, because this will require servicemen.

Mentally-handicapped people don't store rational energy in the brain, let alone engage or have a clear connexion with political controversy like most normal people do.

Thinking is a common mental activity, but not for psychotics.

Negativity of sentiment is merely cautious, defensive multi-purpose pessimism making no progress.

Psychotics are privileged because they are reshuffled and detached from life. 

Bring back state institutions for people with mental disabilities before they endure the enormous impact of alienation in general society.  

Social awareness is a dream without representatives.

It’s a guessing game for the mind to get to the right consistency.

Distant Dates is a relationship spurt calibrated for demented or intellectually impaired people who are careless when it comes to real life arriving in their mind.

Mental powers and activities are a severe outbreak of popular ailments.

There are silly reasons to attempt to gain internal access into external impressions of others.

Sharing love with somebody mad brings on effective possible experience infinitely far away, even if only residues of love remain.

Shallow romance is a conveyor belt of paralysis.

Concepts do not work with the mind.

Therapy doesn't explain itself unless it is misleading.

There are droves of domesticated psychotics in the world who extract themselves from reality.

Psychotics have roughcast suspicion of sociable disposition, making it easy to engage in dramatic, sensational events as long as there are recognizable landmarks of stage effects in the middle of it all.

Distant Dates is overloaded with retards who believe romance is a jinx because it is founded upon desolate consciousness.

Jealousy is behaviour of matter in bulk form, it is a good approximation of equilibrium never reached in different directions  of the northern mesh of the body.

The world has become so capitalized that the one you love you have to settle differences with.

Everybody has different proportions of a wonderful superb body when stripped of the beginning of reason and rationality first detected by authorities.

Being very separated from all extensions of life doesn't mean you cannot have underlying romance. It’s a different world up there.

Psychotic people are not too far removed from what happens to normal people.

Psychotics make romance look easy from a distance.

To belong to one’s thoughts with unbroken continuity lies entirely outside this domain.

Not everybody controls what happens in their life.

The main division between a psychotic person and a normal person is that commonly employed ideas are potentially finite for a psychotic.

This is a fabulous time to utilize your potential in comparison with other people abiding by too many determinations of existence which they should not be enabled to do.

On a larger scale, find out from somebody how to employ major movements of spasticity. That’s what life is all about. 

Scheming, probing on ways to converge with or belong to somebody else is a command, just like psychopathological equilibrium is.   

The brain is nothingness whenever. A diabolical shelter from disruption is not an issue.

How can you carry on being savage, rational all the time if you don't even know the concept of compatible insanity? 

No rush, you won't be using your brain for much longer anyway because your body will be connected in parallel with showmanship. 

The brain is determined to make observations without sight.

Medical authorities oppress people one way or another, it is them that have created a sensible world of corruption.  

Reason is a placid code of self-denial for all species, not just humans.

It is perfectly fine to reverse connection with people and oppose it with the absolute limit of resistance.

This enterprise is for those with uncontrolled cognitive function independent of the presence of yourself on earth. So far they are unaffected by common threads of reason.

The contestants are not normal single people, they are counterparts to pockets of humanity itself.

They are flat tack cantankerous.

The most ultra form of existence is to be shown your way into insanity in the strictest sense, consistent with human understanding and other thought entities.

Don’t judge people by their looks. Forgotten immediate perception of outer appearances is more acceptable.

Don’t be afraid if you are radically undecided about being lonely.

Intermingling is absolutely done by clowns, other than that, that's all.

Take a break, be pathetic and reshape love without follow-up critical observation as second place.

The world has got to be better than it was when it had practical usages which were gouged.

Disturbances serve to delay subsequent applications of romance.

Psychotics are quite the same as anybody because they don’t have a great unifying brain.

In modern society proper signs of love are a distant image, even for romanticists.

At this point of time, at any given moment, there could me anybody scrounging around altering the mind, but progress is extremely small because there is an objectionable break in continuity with the medical system.  

Imagine if somebody was to welcome you into this world.

Distance between single people is not precise in a planetary way because there are additional bodies not from this earth struck dumb by reconciliation.

Nobody needs to escape from potential barriers of life because they are already irretrievably lost by speculators who have a stake on your mind.

Ideas are the most stupid thing you could ever think about.

When the world has lost its magnificence and glory, mentally impaired people often have arguments. Rivalry is ridiculous but it is the nature of existence.

Subjugation is a building block to derive benefit from if you are a puppet.

Resolve relationships from some distance away close ahead.

Reality is here somewhere gone missing.

Don't put your whole weight of the body on earth, shove it somewhere obnoxious.

There is so much insanity here that asylums capsize.

Dependence on density of intensity of insanity you cannot accurately describe because it is an invisible staggering.

Common sense is at breaking point-which has inestimable beneits. 

It's proof that rationality goes from one state or phase to another if you have psychosis which you cannot recoup yourself from.

Vulnerable people rarely go in dreaded public spaces unless they climb straight up from the underground which is a shallow cavity for normal people dangling above the ground, hunging on the balance, breaching limbo.

You can only find the input channel of the mind when oppression is unobstructed in all its capacity. Retarded people are not handicapped, they are oppressed by the basic derivation of repulsion.

Psychotics are as distant as can be from principle sources of life when they become spotted.

Love makes quite a difference to your life if you are given the all-clear not according to one's own ideas.

You could miss all sorts of things if you don’t have a distant relationship unconquered.

Deep down inside the mind, close connections with reality have null orientation.

If single, you’ve got to be prepared for uncompleted, unfinished, imperfect defective ways of looking after yourself. 

Likewise, you would always have to do something whilst in elated solitary confinement.

You have to let go of reality right throughout the motion of the earth where people are not fitted together anymore. Well-endowed insanity has become more superior.

You are obliged to make a fool of yourself without retaining any other impressions of life.  

To a psychotic, life is never-ending illusionism, yet they have a meaningful peephole into life which baffles loosely tracked isolationists.

Psychotic people are enormously successful because they are completely sealed off from the subject-matter of reality. They belong somewhere else, in the distance, where there are no personal convictions.

You don’t have to guess, but this dating game is not from a present-day ordinary orbit.

Swirling around doesn't really fix orbits from their average separation from inferior movement.

Orbits are independent phenomena from life on earth, perhaps less familiar for psychotic people.

Nobody is dedicated to roll with the earth because it exerts too much orderly force.  

Not getting back to reality requires energy-disposal of the propelled brain.

Psychotics are not part of any earthbound guild.  

People with autism are crowd stricken.

Autistic people experience no circumstantial pain flashing ahead at probable molecular speed.

Wait and see what springs out of your mind which others have an involvement in.

Retards are people who falter without end.

Come down to our way without relying on human existence.

The difference between this show and other shows for people with disabilities is that contestants will not be provided with the safeguard of empathy or compassion. They will be given a wrark up instead. They will have to search for their own solace.

A slump of complacency is unnatural, cruel under some conditions, such as the advanced protection from government.

This will not be a safe and enjoyable journey unless you are tangled up with mentally deranged persons.  

At the end of the shows the tables turn and the host of the show is driven insane because he is not good-natured enough to give full attention to his contestants. 

This is a positive extension of sado-masochistic scoundrels with nothing to hide.

Serial sexual activity is a shortcoming because it doesn’t last for long, and there is no resumption, so it is considered a first line of defence against mortal remains of drama.

The contestants are not neglected like most mental patients are. The consolation is that contestants will be provided with an array of medications to pursue their little plans complete with nothing else.

Just without anything, how do you get out of the great fullness of sanity overtaking the mind?      

Normal doctors endeavour toward a removal of mentally impaired people from society, treating them as vulgar.

Words are a disgusting input into consciousness shockingly.  

Distant Dates offers people depression disengagement.

Psychotic and autistic people: you probably know where to get to unload someone: from a mental institution where nobody knows how to work a computer. 

They would sooner hold onto ripples of hollowness than use a computer or tablet.  

Messaging people is too much in the middle of a streamlined flow of observers of earth.

Distant Dates is designed to relieve people who experience an oral trance, without approaching their own voice. Jump in quickly if abnormality has never been offered to you without any suggestion of escape.

Magic shame is what most people with psychosis suffer.

People are verbally silly.

Cumulative dumbness is not blameworthy for the loss of concealed positive comfort.

Sanity is a funny wee looking something.

Being insane is a not a wee bit different at all than being a lieutenant governor.

Provide hope for people you don’t really know who do not have immediate nearness to glory other than being disabled.

Autistic people are quite lucky. It is normal people that have endured generations of dead brains.

You don’t have to confess to moving into the void.

All the voices in your head create an atlas of its own.

Look at yourself and break up some things spread everywhere if you know how paranoia works.

Autistic people are divided from the total surface of this earth, they see no advantages of it.

If they are not the same they are similar to us.

Even many normal people have to endure the company of distant living companions, it is not only people with psychosis that have to go through this.

Everybody puts every else down in this shaft of life.

Stick with all of the people who are deranged, this will be a vital service to the community.

Distant Dates also provides a dating service for those with physically disabilities, such as those with paralysis and finished feet, the sooks.    

Strewn sprinkled uprightness, get away from it all.

People put that much into their mind that it all falls out.

Even crippled people have sudden and slight movement not researched and observed.

Distant Dates is for anybody moaning about their mind.

It is for bottled up strangers.

Don’t do what you must do in the honour of the mind, because it is the only thing you can trust.

Thow large spaces of insanity out the door.

One wee bit of sanity lands in this place.

Many facets of the mind are already down the familiar route of insanity.

Retards: Sit down and count them, that will full your day in more than enough.

Possession of the mind is not here to stay, even with strategic management, which are reallocated to other people’s senses.

Life: Use and judge it as a zenith of insanity.

After all this time being alone, it is tempting being dismal more openly.

Being ridiculed is your first expedition into romance.

Send out satellites for sex not struck down by scientific staff surrendering to orchestrated redundant romance.

Sexuality requires a long list of commands of finished and dispatched results of sudden incontrollable curiosity passing through the body.

Everbody suffers from micro-dementia, making individual contributions which will eventually decline according to decomposition of the mind.

For an autistic person the earth is out of view in the distance, and they should be rewarded for this.

Two body parts don't work together all of the time: The body and the brain.

There are two major twisted sections of the anatomy: The close body and the distant, relative mind.  

This goes on long enough after you have gone through retarding influences.

The mind: It is something to put somewhere, sameway, or somehow into an erotic illusion.

Euphoria is the best way to survive because it does not convert regular continual domestic activity into personal viewpoints.

Autistic people could not handle being in the midst of society, because it is not necessary, thus they should be exempt from it if they wish.

Turn your mind off things and go and do something constructive such as not being an occupant of the earth no more as a shrewd declaration.

Don’t see what you can hear.

Don’t think about the way you talk.

Be disappointed by any evidence of suggestible speech.

The mind: What’s in there that you’re hiding? A lack of thought?